Tap Into This Superpower To Work Through Financial Trouble
Did you know you have a superpower that can help you work through a debt resolution plan, deal with bad debt, and face financial trouble?
If you tap into it, you will not only help you deal with debt but also improve other areas of your life, too.

4 Money Lessons to Help Your Children Avoid Debt
Too many people today are facing financial hardships because of their debt. Recent studies show that more than a third of Americans feel their financial situations have worsened over the past year. If you’re among the multitude of people struggling to make ends meet due to debt, the debt relief attorneys at National Legal Center […]

Disputing an Incorrect Charge On Your Cell Phone Bill
Disputing an incorrect charge with a cell phone provider can be frustrating and time-consuming. However, if you follow the steps outlined in this article, you’ll have a much better chance of getting a refund for an incorrect charge on your cell phone bill. Identifying Errors on Cell Phone Bills Before you can dispute an incorrect […]

3 Ways to Lower Medical Debt in Collections
Healthcare expenses in America have long been a problem. However, it wasn’t until 2021 that we learned how far-reaching the problem is. At over $180 billion, medical debt became the largest source of debt in collections. How much medical debt is in collections? There are more unpaid medical bills in collections than all other debt […]

Did You Get a Summons from Zwicker and Associates?
Zwicker and Associates, P.C. is a law firm that acts as a debt collector on behalf of creditors and debt buyers. If you’ve received a summons from Zwicker & Associates, you’re in the right place. Let’s simplify the situation and help you take your next steps. Who Is Zwicker & Associates? Zwicker and Associates is […]