Tips to Improve Your Credit Score
Need to improve your credit score? Whether you’re looking to make a big purchase, like a car or house, or simply want to improve your overall financial health, there are specific steps you can take to increase your FICO score. First, a quick refresher on how credit scores work. FICO stands for the Fair Isaac […]

Emotional Effects of Debt
According to creditcards.com, nearly 40% of Americans carry credit card debt month over month, and the average total is close to $16,000. This doesn’t even include student loan debt, where, according to the Federal Reserve, one in five borrowers owe $50,000 or more. Let alone other obligations such as mortgages, car loans, medical debt, and […]

Back-to-School Savings
It seems every year, America’s educational system suffers deeper and deeper government budget cuts. The consequences of these drastic reductions not only limit the ability of school districts to stock their institutions with basic supplies and necessities, but may eventually discourage many honorable and qualified people from joining the teaching profession. Because of these cuts, […]

Low-Cost Flying
The United States is one of the few countries in the world that does not mandate vacation days, even though studies indicate how essential they are for overall good health – mentally and physically. Even if those vacation days become available, they often go unused. Despite the many benefits of taking time off – lower […]

Making the Most of Your Wedding Budget
They say if you marry in June, you’re a bride all your life, but that doesn’t mean you need to be paying for the wedding for just as long. Because June is still one of the most popular months in which to get married, it is also one of the costliest; but there are a […]