Save on Childcare Costs
Childcare costs are one of the largest expenses a family with children will face. This is especially true for single parents or for families where both parents work full time. Finding ways to save money on childcare costs without sacrificing your child’s care is a top priority for all working parents. Here are some tips […]

Tips to Save Money on Groceries
According to The Department of Labor, the average American spends 12.4% of their income on food. Up to 47% of that is spent on eating out, so it’s a no-brainer that curbing restaurant trips is a great way to reduce spending on food. But food is on the necessity column of our budgets. We cannot […]

Identity Theft
Happy continued National Consumer Protection Week! Not as much fun as Cinco de Mayo and the signature drink is probably a flat dark ale mixed with Metamucil, but still, let’s have some fun! Last time we talked about Imposter Scams – today, let’s talk about what to do if you are a victim of identity theft. Identity theft is when […]

Imposter Scams
Happy National Consumer Protection Week!! You probably didn’t know that National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) is February 28th through March 7th! This annual event encourages individuals and businesses to learn about their consumer rights and how to keep themselves secure. As a kick off to NCPW, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is collaborating with its partners to share educational resources and tips on scams, identity theft, and other consumer protection […]

Love and Kindness: Affordable on Any Budget.
We’re all in love with love Ah, February. Smack dab in the middle you hit us with Valentine’s Day. We’ve had a week to digest and have some thoughts on, well, love in this day in age. Regardless of where you stand on the “L” word, it’s safe to say we’ve all gained some perspective […]