What Does “Current Owner” Mean on a Collection Letter? What is a Current Owner?
What Does “Current Owner” Mean on a Collection Letter? What is a Current Owner? Continuing our series on how to read a collection letter, we’ll answer the question: “What does “current owner” mean on a collection letter?” If you have received a collection letter and are left asking yourself: “Who is Midland Credit Management?” “Who […]

What Does “Charge-Off” Mean on a Collection Letter?
Many collection letters will include the term “charge-off.” Like credit reports, collection letters are full of terms that mean something other than what you might assume. Of all the odd terms found on collection letters, this one likely raises the most questions from clients in our debt resolution service. So, what does “charge-off” mean on […]

What Does ‘You have 30 days to dispute the validity of this debt’ Mean?
Whether you are on your own or working with a debt settlement attorney, anyone dealing with debt should expect to see debt collection letters in their mailbox. They come in all shapes and sizes. They’re full of scary language and fine print. Or, maybe they say they are on your side and want to be […]

A New Variation of an Old Check-Cashing Scheme
Wrap it Up, I’ll Take It – or Maybe You’d Better Not! By now, most of us are familiar with check-cashing schemes. We know that any time someone you don’t know sends you a check or money order and asks for money back, it’s a scam. The scammers always have some far-fetched reason: – they’re stuck out of the country; they need […]

Banks Versus Credit Unions
Who, in this day and age, does not have a bank account? Well, when I first moved to the United States, I was appalled to learn that my future husband, in fact, did not. He had convinced his employer, a small, privately-owned auto parts salvage yard and recycler to cash out his check every week. Nevermind the fact that he would walk around […]